Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Newt the Uniter

Could there be brilliant strategy behind Newt’s kamikaze attacks against Mitt? At first glance there’s no possible gain to the Republican Party or conservatism in launching a kamikaze campaign against the future presidential nominee of your party, depicting him as a remorseless capitalist vampire bloodsucker. Let’s’re helping the Democrats hone their plan of attack and handing them ammunition to carry it out. You’re exacerbating divisions within the party of the kind that are slow to heal. You’re diverting attention from whatever shared positive ideas the GOP does have for the nation.

But maybe there’s silver linings. Suddenly, people like Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh, and the Club for Growth, who should be spending their time right now denouncing Romney as a pathetic and useless RINO deserving of reprobation by all true conservatives, are united in his defence; now Mitt is a Hero of Free Enterprise, a truer conservative than the man who won the House of Representatives at a time when people thought the GOP would never win the it again in their lifetimes. Politics fans get the demolition derby they expect from the primary season; populist conservatives have their catharsis, their opportunity to see a lashing given to the Wall Street/Big Corporation wing of the party. At the end of the day, everyone’s anger at the state of things having been voiced, everyone can resign themselves to Mitt in the end, knowing that they are not unrepresented in the party.

Knowing Newt, if this is a brilliantly concocted masterpiece of strategy, complete with double feint, bait-and-switch and fumblerooski ploy, we can be sure that Newt will tell us.


Anonymous said...

Newt's joining the dems. You heard it here first. Think it all through. It was planned from day one.

Roy Elsworth said...

he isn't joining the dems he is doing a bipartisan like deabate to me shows he can reach across the isleand work with both sides. why do you people jump to conclusion as soon as they talk about the dems. like joel lieberman and george bush both supporting a war. did joe lieberman join the republicans? no stop these rumors and wait for the full facts.

Anonymous said...

Yeah reach accross the ailse.... to sit down on a couch with Pelosi. Sounds about right to me. Maybe he's going to run on the Obama ticket as VP.

dmorris said...

Obama/Gingrich? Hm, better than Obama/Biden.